Ireland Politics

Total records: 18

Check the Register

County/City Councils now allow you to check if you're registered to vote through the online Check the Register service.

Ciaran Cuffe

Ciaran Cuffe is a Green Party Comhaontas Glas TD for Dun laoghaire and the website contains news, views, submissions and articles relating to the work of the Green Party in Dun laoghaire

Communist Party of Ireland

The Communist Party of Ireland is an all-Ireland workers party founded in 1933, inspired by the principles of Karl Marx and James Connolly. Its aim is to advance the struggle for national unity and independence and for socialism the public ownership and control of the means of production.

Councillor Joan Burton

This site contains brief summaries of the principal policies in Joans programme for the coming General Election.There are links to Labours national website and to other sites of both local and national interest.

Green Party

This site is divided into two sections - the first section, Green Party, deals with information on our elected representatives in the Dail, in Europe and at Local Authority level. The second section is the The Green Party Library.

Houses of the Oireachtas

The Oireachtas (National Parliament) consists of the President and two Houses: Dail Eireann (the House of Representatives) and Seanad Eireann (the Senate)